Operational Management Solutions-Informational consulting and training for automotive industry



Work Instruction is a document that provides a specific description (structure: what/who/when/how/why) to perform a certain activity.

Work instructions are created when activities described in a procedure needs to be detailed. If a procedure describes who and what activity has to be performed a work instruction describes how it is performed, in a detailed way.

By comparing with other documents categories (manual, procedures) a work instruction contains the greatest amount of detail.

Work instruction template

Work instruction templateEnglishDownload

Good practices

  • use OK and NOK (Not OK) pictures to highlight with clear examples of how the job has to be done in a correct way
  • write concise, short sentences
  • document reaction plan/ escalation: how to proceed if something is wrong?
  • record in a separate section (second page for examples) authorized operators and their training level
  • document as much as possible how the customer is affected if a NOK operation is performed and the product is delivered
  • review periodically work instruction content against control plan modifications
  • create a system to provide easy access to the last version in point of utilization (best in class: perform a digital transformation of work instructions management process – creation, update, approval, distribution)
  • involve operators in work instruction creation/ updating
  • retain the training records according to customer requirements

All operators who works based on a work instruction shall be trained. The training has to be performed by qualified trainers (experienced operators with training skills qualified as internal trainers).

The training material has to be based on practical examples, use photos and videos as much as possible.

Training level has to be assessed based on a test/ practical exam.

Free tools licensing

We are distributing materials for free, according to GNU GPL V3 license – it means that you can use it at your free will as long as you will not deny the same right by copyrighting the provided material (file and related software). We hope that it will be useful for you!