Operational Management Solutions-Informational consulting and training for automotive industry


Quality Management System

IATF 16949 Training for Internal Auditors


This training prepares in-house personnel to serve as IATF 16949 Internal Auditors and to asses existing quality management systems against the IATF 16949 standard and customer specific requirements.

Training is focused on understanding the process audit, risk and process based thinking, relation with core tools and how to apply IATF 16949 and customer specific requirements.

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Training organization

  • Online: 4 days, 6 hours x day
  • Onsite: 4 days

Product Audit

Learn how to program, plan, realize and close properly the product audit.

Training subjects:

  • Audit process, internal, second party and 3rd party audit
    • Audit scope: system, process, product
  • IATF requirements regarding product audit
  • Product audit process
    • Audit programme
    • Audit planning
    • Audit realization
    • Reporting: nonconformities, specific rules for product audit
    • Audit closure

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Training organization

  • Online: 1,5 daya, 9 hours
  • Onsite: 1,5 days

Internal Auditor Integrated Management System

ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 & ISO 45001


This training provides guidance for auditing integrated management systems: quality, environment, occupational health and safety. The training includes the audit process (audit programme management, audit plan and audit performing and nonconformities reporting).

Training organization

  • Online: 3 days, 6 hours x day
  • Onsite: 3 days

The training includes the presentation of the standards, rules for requirements implementation and the best practices to plan and conduct an effective audit programme.

Internal Auditor Integrated Management System in the automotive industry

IATF 16949 & ISO 14001 & ISO 45001


This training provides guidance for auditing integrated management systems: automotive industry quality, environment, occupational health and safety. The training includes the audit process (audit programme management, audit plan and audit performing and nonconformities reporting).

Training organization

  • Online: 5,5 days, 6 hours x day, last day 3 hours
  • Onsite: 5,5 days

Audit of management systems according to ISO 19011

This course aims to present the requirements of the ISO 19011: 2018 standard “Guide for auditing management systems”.

This course is for people who have been trained in understanding the requirements of a particular standard (eg ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 …), have experience in implementation and intend to become internal or second party auditors.

Training organization:

  • Online: 6 hours x day
  • Onsite: 1 day, 8 hours

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