About Integrated Management Systems
An integrated management system is a single system designed to manage multiple aspects of an organization’s operations according to requirements of multiple management standards.
A typical integrated management system should be able to be compatible to the following requirements:

There are several benefits, we will highlight:
- No duplication approach – no redundant processes, information, data
- Alignment of different aspects of company’s activities within a single approach
- Increase the efficiency by eliminating redundant activities and using same resource for different management systems
- Reducing human errors and audit failures
Where to start?
The above presentation can be seen as complicated but it can be implemented in an effective and robust manner by using HSL – High Level Structure. The HSL is the common structure of actual management standards. We will establish the integrated management system by using this common structure and process approach.
This is a common structure for ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System). We are waiting for soon to come revision of ISO 27001 (Information Security Management) but this waiting has no impact over this approach.
HLS publication – ISO official web site:
Integration of Environmental Management System within Quality Management System
A company can use actual Quality Management System process to includes ISO 14001 and interested parties requirements by updating:
- Actual process used to analyze the context and identification of interested parties and their requirements
- Create a robust process to identify all legal requirements (keep in mind that ISO 14001 is strongly focused on legal requirements)
- Based on previous updates define Environmental Management System scope. Define the scope and processes by including the needed processes (use actual processes and update them with needed activities for environmental management system) or add new processes if needed
- Create an Environmental Management Policy or update actual Quality Management Policy with environmental management. In the second approach company can establish an Integrated Management System Policy (recommended)
- Link the policy with environmental targets/ objectives. Propagate to all organizational levels.
- Asses (by using actual process) the risks and opportunities. Establish when needed the preventive actions.
- Establish the new activities/ processes to implement the requirements and asses the conformity.
- Perform an internal audit against environmental management system requirements including other interested parties requirements
- Perform an environmental management system review according ISO 14001 requirements or an Integrated Management System review
- Close the loop – certification body audit.
In the end of this process the company will be able to manage an integrated management system (quality and environment).
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation means to add digital tools to automate activities.
Author: Alexandru TUDOSE| About| Actual working projects – Integrated Management Systems| Personal web site.